Friday, September 19, 2008

Unique Quotes on Faith

Faith in one's progress brings contentment. Even when the situation is not according to what is expected, there is contentment for the one who has faith in his own progress. Such a person will not just sit back waiting for things to change nor will he just curse his fate. Instead he'll do his best and use all his resources in bettering the situation. The understanding that all life's situations are a training for him, automatically keeping him content in all situations. There is naturally an experience of constant progress and a feeling of having gained something from all situations.

- Bramha Kumaris, Mt. Abu

Faith has the power to change even hopeless situations into hopeful ones. There is so much power in having faith that even in the most hopeless situations we can keep ourselves peaceful and happy. When we are able to maintain this stage we find that things change for the better too. Faith works to change the situation. Let us think of one situation that we are not happy with. Let us then accept the situation as it is without expecting it to change. This acceptance will give the faith that things are happening for the best. With this faith even the most hopeless situation will turn positive.

- Bramha Kumaris, Mt. Abu


Sweetness is the ability to see the good in all things. Deep within each and every situation is something good. It only takes a little patience to look within and find it. When we are able to understand the secret behind what is happening, it automatically brings sweetness in our lives. Thus we will be able to spread this to others too. Whatever happens throughout the day, we should be able to see the good in it. Even if we are not able to discover something good at that moment, we should maintain the faith that whatever happens is for the best.

- Bramha Kumaris, Mt. Abu

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